By the Numbers

We’re halfway through our search for wisdom between two buns. That makes this as good a time as any to reflect on the trends and tendencies we’ve observed so far. And since everyone knows that creativity is all about responding to data, here are the first in a series of charts breaking down the San Francisco burger scene.

The Bell Curve. One, two, three, four or five stars? So far our burger experience has been fair to middling. It seems that decent burgers abound, while the truly exceptional are only as common as the truly abysmal.

Do you get what you pay for? Coming up we’ll share with you some interesting facts about how price correlates to quality (at least as it relates to burgers). First, though, here’s the breakdown of what a burger will cost you in San Francisco. Most are in the relatively reasonable $6–$10 range. We’ve only had two in the $15+ range (and famously skipped Umami’s infamous $65 offering).

Location. Location. Location. You can check out our map to see the official distribution (NB the burgers from Tokyo and Dallas have been removed from the map by user request to make it more convenient to navigate). For the most part we’ve stayed with the 7x7 confines of our fair city, but every one in a while a recommendation takes us further afield. 

That’s it for now. More glorious data to follow.